Use with Caution the Resources below
Mostly out-of-date, a bit of evolution to enjoy.
.Durupinar but not quite.
The video I have linked is a position statement developed in the light of Chris Scotese’ Palaeo-map work, Lorence C. Collins Petrology and Ron Wyatt’s research on-the-ground in Turkey. My brother, a former Qantas pilot, flying a route to Europe was directed to fly over the sight at Durpinar and confirmed that from the air any person would be struck by the Geology.
Two Taharqas
Computer .wmv
This is too large a file to Upload to the Public ftp area. It exists so if anyone has any bright ideas let me know by email at cutters2017 @
Kariong Glyphs
Khemitoloy Analysis
Go to and search with ‘Gosford Glyphs Analysis Part 1’ and similarly Part 2 and Part 3 to download three of the best videos from Khemitology you will EVER see. Coutesy of Stephen and Evan Strong.
Nubia/Egypt Nexus
Paper Synopsis – may or may not get a life (Check post May, 2018)
This paper relies on “clearing-uptimes” (CUT)’ chronology. This is the result of private research extending over 20 years. Sources are secondary. A novel view of The Old Chronicle’s latter dynasties allows the application of CUT “charting”. A slight misnomer. Through this technique Ikhnaton and Nubian Kings are connected via Sothic drift dating or vice-versa drift-dating is validated.
Toolkit is a set of proforma templates that assume 1. most kings lived long lives and reigned 70 years. An exception is Tuthmose III. 2. Kings started regnal counts at more than one point in their 70-year careers. 3. Few kings kicked into military command before 40 years. Ramesses II is illustrative in CUT concepts.
Paper establishes specific dates for Aksumay Ramissu to Agalbus Sepekos. Ikhnaton is dated in the context of a formal treatment of late 18th Dynasty. Kitchen, Luban, Eban are all affirmed to be late by 100 years i. e. -1475 should be -1575. Radiocarbon dating from Oxford is used to confirm T III’s dating. Drift dating is more broadly benchmarked with a DD in the context of a corrected Africanus Anno Mundi of -5589. Isin King list gives 324-year period in Nod – i. e. -4207 is an Egyptian DD.
If anyone knows the source of the two calendar GIFs below please email me (Ian) at cutters2017 @ so that proper attribution can be made.
Philosophy for Readers
CUTTERS is not an “Organization”; we supply no product; we give what we have – understanding so far as it goes at this moment in time and finally, research is what it is ‘one day a rooster, next day a feather duster’ – if you have been ther you will understand.
ISSN 1526-5757
Lorence G. Collins
February 3, 1997
Lorence G. Collins and Polonium Radiohalos
CUT Journals – at your own PERIL!!
- Hymn 130
- Hymn 131
- Hymn 150
- Clearing-UpTimes
- Clearing-UpTimes 2
- Clearing-UpTimes 3
- Clearing-UpTimes 4
- Clearing-UpTimes 5
- etc
- A good read; The Discovery of Noah’s Ark by David Fasold
- A good look;
- A good piece of advice; Dynasty XX is signed as it is Ian’s (&CUT’s) intellectual property through prayer
TABLE OF Varied-Source Post-Flood PATRIARCHS
Shem Vaticanus | Arphaxad | Cainan | Salah | Heber | Peleg | Reu | Serug | Nahor | Terah | Abram |
-3425 | -3325 | -3190 | -3060 | -2930 | -2796 | -2666 | -2534 | -2404 | -2225 | -2199 |
-2825 | -2790 | -2730 | -2600 | -2526 | -2457 | -2327 | -2204 | -2100 | -2129 | |
——————- | —————- | ——— | ———- | ———– | ———– | ———- | ——– | ——- | ———- | |
600 | 535 | 460 | 460 | 404 | 339 | 339 | 330 | 304 | 96 | |
Shem Alexandrinus | Arphaxad | Cainan | Salah | Heber | Peleg | Reu | Serug | Nahor | Terah | Abram |
-3425 | -3325 | -3190 | -3060 | -2930 | -2796 | -2666 | -2534 | -2404 | -2325 | -2299 |
-2825 | -2760 | -2730 | -2600 | -2430 | -2457 | -2327 | -2204 | -2196 | -2229 | |
——————- | —————- | ——— | ———- | ———– | ———– | ———- | ——– | ——- | ———- | |
Shem | Arphaxad | Cainan | Salah | Heber | Peleg | Reu | Serug | Nahor | Terah | Abram |
-3425 | -3325 | -3190 | -3060 | -2930 | -2796 | -2666 | -2534 | -2404 | -2325 | -2299 |
-2990 | -2860 | -2730 | -2600 | -2430 | -2457 | -2327 | -2204 | -2196 | -2120 | |
——————- | —————- | ——— | ———- | ———– | ———– | ———- | ——– | ——- | ———- | |
435 | 465 | 460 | 460 | 500 | 339 | 339 | 330 | 208 | 205 | |
Shem | Arphaxad | Cainan | Salah | Heber | Peleg | Reu | Serug | Nahor | Terah | Abram |
-3425 | -3325 | -3292 | -3162 | -3032 | -2898 | -2768 | -2638 | -2508 | -2429 | -2299 |
-2990 | -2860 | -2832 | -2702 | -2532 | -2559 | -2431 | -2308 | -2204 | -2224 | |
——————- | —————- | ——— | ———- | ———– | ———– | ———- | ——– | ——- | ———- | |
435 | 465 | 460 | 460 | 500 | 339 | 337 | 330 | 304 | 105 | |
Shem | Arphaxad | Cainan | Salah | Heber | Peleg | Reu | Serug | Nahor | Terah | Abram |
-3425 | -3325 | -3292 | -3162 | -3032 | -2898 | -2768 | -2638 | -2508 | -2329 | -2299 |
-2990 | -2860 | -2832 | -2702 | -2532 | -2559 | -2431 | -2308 | -2204 | -2224 | |
——————- | —————- | ——— | ———- | ———– | ———– | ———- | ——– | ——- | ———- | |
435 | 465 | 460 | 460 | 500 | 339 | 337 | 330 | 304 | 100 | |
Shem | Arphaxad | Cainan | Salah | Heber | Peleg | Reu | Serug | Nahor | Terah | Abram |
-3425 | -3325 | -3292 | -3162 | -3032 | -2898 | -2768 | -2638 | -2508 | -2374 | -2299 |
-2990 | -2860 | -2832 | -2702 | -2532 | -2559 | -2431 | -2308 | -2249 | -2229 | |
——————- | —————- | ——— | ———- | ———– | ———– | ———- | ——– | ——- | ———- | |
435 | 465 | 460 | 460 | 500 | 339 | 337 | 330 | 259 | 145 |
Geology Overview
Radio | T-values | Yrs Left | Orbital | Comment | |
T=1, to T=0 | 2691 | -5588 | |||
2.05E+09 | 0.355282968671913 | 956 | -3853 | Asteroid Hits | |
4.30E+09 | 0.627019033237502 | 1687 | -4584 | ||
3.80E+09 | 0.574877412743758 | 1547 | -4444 | Start of Archean | |
3.02E+09 | 0.484612832831463 | 1304 | -4201 | ||
2.80E+09 | 0.457035481427582 | 1230 | -4127 | First Cratons | |
2.50E+09 | 0.41781681832208 | 1124 | -4021 | Start of Proterozoic | |
8.50E+08 | 0.163465472186736 | 440 | -3337 | Start of Cryogenian | |
8.40E+08 | 0.16169162921455 | 435 | -3332 | ||
8.30E+08 | 0.159914549354042 | 430 | -3327 | ||
6.30E+08 | 0.123677435414977 | 333 | -3230 | Start of Ediacaran | |
5.82E+08 | 0.11477791950722 | 309 | -3206 | ||
5.42E+08 | 0.107299844071935 | 289 | -3185.74 | Cambrian start | |
4.88E+08 | 0.097113873866124 | 261 | -3158 | ||
4.43E+08 | 0.088544805659411 | 238 | -3135 | Silurian start | |
4.16E+08 | 0.083367606193113 | 224 | -3121 | ||
3.59E+08 | 0.072348541220128 | 195 | -3092 | ||
2.99E+08 | 0.060616131968859 | 163 | -3060.1180 | ||
2.51E+08 | 0.051129693717816 | 138 | -3034.5900 | Start of Triassic | |
2.00E+08 | 0.040950500031273 | 110 | -3007 | Start of Jurassic | |
145,000,000 | 0.029855356178022 | 80 | -2977 | Start of Cretaceous | |
6.60E+07 | 0.013699978865832 | 37 | -2934 | ||
6.16E+07 | 0.012792463623678 | 34 | -2931 | ||
1.81E+06 | 0.000377389800283 | 1.0 | -2898 | Pleistocene/Calabrian-Glaciation for one year | |
896,092,539 | 0.1716 | 461.776 | -3358.775600 | 22nd | December |


The calculation of the Gregorian/Julian equivalent of Year one of the Mayan Calendar is occasionally given as -3114. Clearing-UpTimes (CUT) chooses -3115 to -3117. This is according to recent commentary that suggests a looser binding might be possible. A California researcher at an academic institution presented a Thesis on this topic in recent years. Given the corresponding Orbital/Radiometric-Stratigraphic pairing this aligns Pangaea super-Continent with the Tower of Babel period in History. Since these two Calendars originate from different cultures and represent essentially the same knowledge base we might speculate that post-Babel and pre-Confusion of the Tongues these two people lived in reasonable proximity to each other and shared basic understanding in a common language. At the very least the territory of Pangaea was such that without great effort most people alive then could move about fairly freely and communicate.
Chapter 2: The Original Peopling of Latin America
Alan L. Bryan
we have the following”…
Limestone caves and rock shelters have been excavated in the forested interior of the State of Minas Gerais since early in the last century. The original purpose was to procure bones of the Pleistocene fauna; however, human bones and artifacts were also recovered. The Danish palaeontologist, Wilhelm Lund, excavated many caves near Lagoa Santa, north of the city of Belo Horizonte. He concluded that the majority of human remains had been deposited long after the extinct ground sloths, mastodons, and other animals, except at one site where he found fossilized human bones in apparent association with extinct mammal bones. The human skulls from Sumidouro Cave, later studied by P�ch (l938), included some with heavy browridges, a feature that is absent on the later skeletons (“Lagoa Santa man”) excavated by Lund and others. About the time of P�ch’s study, other less well controlled excavations were carried out in Lund’s and other caves in the area. The animal and human bones from these excavations were stored in crates in the State University in Belo Horizonte. Examination of the contents of the crates in l970 revealed evidence of human workmanship (chopping) on a few fossil bones (Prous l986), but also a human calotte with features similar to those included in P�ch’s study except that the browrideges were even more pronounced (Bryan l978, figs. 7-12; Beattie and Bryan 1984). The calotte was misplaced before it could be studied properly, although the similar state of permineralization and the morphological features suggest that it came from Sumidouro Cave. The calotte may or may not date to the Pleistocene. Populations with heavy browridges are known elsewhere in the Americas from Holocene contexts. The calotte is significant not so much because it may be old but because it suggests that a transitional form of early Homo sapiens was present in America as well as in east Asia. In fact, the closest morphological similarities are with transitional Homo Sapiens in China and Australia.
…” and from the above we see that the Pleistocene runs to -2897 from -2900. It is therefore most likely that these artifacts are mis-dated. The Australian aboriginal connection (see Australian Aborigines not the First People) suggests that the most likely dating is from the period in Geologic Time (properly converted) when Australia and South America were still connected. This date from David Johnson’s ‘The Geology of Australia 2nd Ed” work looks like Thanetian to the Lutetian or approx. -2930 to -2925.