Chris Scotese Palaeo-mapper and Rose (anything but a Palaeo-mapper)
Today by Elderly R. Staff
Ian Shears
I agree to some extent with your analysis. In saying this I am trying to balance two things. I suppose you read CLOT/CLNT occasionally – the Concordant Old Testament and New Testament. Here we have a pretty good version of Scripture. According to this source there was a Disruption – their terminology. This looks like a different story than we have been told. So I have tried to take the Concordant’s view with Geological research results. This led to a Pastor – Barry Setterfield – and his Cosmology which to some extent is convergent with Electric Universe material. I have modified and altered Barry’s work to produce a new revised Chronology reconciling Biblical and Geologic dating. There exist two Chronologies – one Hebrew and one ‘Greek’ or Scientific. The traditional Biblical chronology seems to be based on Talmudic views which they got from Ur (Sumerian). But Ur is a broken reed historically – a pious one albeit. The Greek view is quite based on ancient, classical Histories. So at the end what do we have? One Chronology that leads to ‘The Talmudist’s Elijah-taught 6,000 years’ and the other a 6,500 year reconciled across ACADEMIC (your Satan’s worldly institutions) disciplines. We must then give credit where credit is due. Strictly-speaking both Chronologies are right – Greek and Hebrew. See Barry Setterfield for a difficult argument on this point. The work of Chris Scotese is an academic work based on an excellent putting together of the facts (often he has had to sort the academic wheat from the academic chaff). WELL DONE Chris. At the end CLOT/CLNT version of figures of speech in Scripture outclasses E. W. Bullinger. The argument that these figures are not historic is probably true but misleading. The facts of Geology (converted to orbital dating) do show a Disruption, a re-creation Adam, animals etc. Life on Mars becomes something wiped out in the Disruption – if that is where a reader wants to go. All sorts of other bits of Archaeology, which is really Geology-Archaeology under CUT’s new paradigm are also possible. John Goldingay gives the Hint in his Theology of Book of Isaiah of another group that God will, in time, deal with. So plenty of matters can be resolved without true interdisciplinary conflict. This takes us back to the old Devil’s tricks which include endless reductionism to which you, Rose, most strongly and rightly object.
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History Proves ZPE growth/Confirms Adamic creation-date
This paper is a commented version of a website page – see top of Introduction.. Radiometric dates/Stratigraphic dates are reduced to Orbital dates and Clearing-UpTimes (CUT) Chronology supplies the missing Historic/Mythologic connections. In so doing, Barry J. Setterfield’s Cosmology and Zero Point Energy concepts are confirmed by a completely independent method.. The hypothesis that ‘the ZPE/date conversions cannot be made’ is falsified.
Owing to the pure research nature of this website we can no longer link in the manner necessary to present such research. Henceforth, this and all other links, have been eliminated. If a restoration is possible at some future time the the site will be incrementally re-built.
The web-paper, fully-attested at the end, is included in full but commented in red. Green input dates are CUT-supplied and are at some variance to similar conversions done using Genesis Science Research (GSR) Chronology. I hope the “school teacher marking a term paper” tone can be overlooked.
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Has Ötzi the Iceman been mis-dated at -3100 to -3350?
: is Radio-carbon Dating only effective ca. 4,800 BP maximum?
Today by I P Shears, Feb, 2018
This paper will address the Ötztal/Brenner Pass mountainous areas, the Vinschgau Valley and Bolzano (Bozen), the Isle of Elba and/or southern Tuscany, Corsica-Sardinia (current and re-dated), Tyrrhenian Sea, Etruria/Rhaetia i. e. ‘greater ‘Tuscany, Nubia/Sudan, Egypt and Lemnos in the Greek Islands. This includes all their predecessor entities back to Pangaea re-dated. Indian connections will be made and discussed as to the most relevant connection to Ötzi’s life.
As, today, Science can strip an elder of a past-age of all his dignity we are privileged – if that is the word – to see details of Ötzi’s life up-close-and-personal so-to-speak. This we shall use to picture a little of his life-movements and cultural contacts.
From History and Anthropology we will set a scene that allows these details to have a context and in so contextualising this man’s life we will find a dissonance in the radio-carbon dating of Ötzi.
This paper then focusses on establishing the Historic context and introduces a possible causal factor in the radio-carbon/historic divergence.
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Today by Ian and June
- Abstract:
This is Barry Setterfield’s formula (without parameters given) that I used to convert radiometric years
to orbital (our everyday) years. - see image just above the bottom of the page

Gravity & Dinosaurs
Today by IPS
An amusing diversion concerning ZPE and orbital dating.
What do we Know?
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Patagonia between 95 and 100 million years ago
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Mongolian-Japanese expedition in a geologic layer formed between 70 million and 90 million years
ago in the late Cretaceous Period
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The University of Queensland, School of Biological Sciences announced a major new discovery. The
world’s biggest dinosaur footprint was discovered on a 15 mile stretch of the Dampier Peninsula
coastline, dubbed ‘Australia’s Jurassic Park’, on Monday. The footprint fossil assemblage contains 21
different types of dinosaur tracks, making it one of the most diverse in the world. [140 to 127 Ma
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Meet Dreadnoughtus schrani, one of the most massive land animals of all time. [Ca. 77 ma]
K-T is -2934.
Given that reproduction seems to be 40 years and death who knows? say 60 years then Patagonian
bloke looks like about -2951 to -2982 i. e. to 209 Ma birth.
Mongolian fellow looks like -2936 minus 60 equals -2996. So 180 Ma is a birth date.
Australian dino appears to be 131 Ma on average. That is the date of his death is -2970. Add 60
years to -2970 and we get -3030 or 240 Ma approx.
So Dreadnoughtus schrani is -2940 at death in 77 Ma. Add 60 years backwards. In -3000 we have his
birth year of 187 Ma.
Listing births we have 180, 187, 209 and 240 Ma.
Thus we can say that by 240 Ma the Gravity had substantially waned and had in the 94 years to the
the time when the great capacitor discharged probably been continuously going lower.
The theory behind this bit of logic is that without an early circuit-breaker a charge discrepancy began
to build probably between the outer edge of the Earth, electrically-speaking and the landmass
(electrically-speaking) below that resulted in Gravity – an electrically-sourced entity – being reduced.
This reduction grew over a 94-year (orbital, remember ZPE) period. The dielectric or other
equivalent broke down in -2934 and a hell of a bolt from the blue gave Chixilub a worldwide
This is, of course, a scenario that suits the CUT Peleg dating – see below
-3425 -3325 -3292 -3162 -3032 -2898 -2768 -2638 -2508 -2429 -2299
-2990 -2860 -2832 -2702 -2532 -2559 -2431 -2308 -2300 -2224
435 465 460 460 500 339 337 330 208 205
Geography then a bolt 36 orbital years earlier (-2898 – -2934) may have been the lubricant that set
the Moho in motion.
From all this we can offer the following. The dinosaurs died off after three or four years (orbital but
acknowledging ZPE impacts) as a result of an electric discharge which invoked some
chemical/physical effects such as a spread of Irridium etc. The dinosaurs alive post-K-T are probably
adapted to their new environment and some African reports of dinos suggest a water-based and
land oriented life but not a muddy one. Streams reported to support Diplodicus are rock-bottomed.
This fits nicely with the model proposed by Thunderbolts.org.

Noah’s World Tour
Today by ShearsIan
Quick tour of scientific sources that show the possibility for a world tour by Noah -3247 to -3237.
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