Today by Ian, June and Sam
Below are the three contributors to “Clearing-UpTime” Team’s* Elderly Research Staff (CUTTERS).
Hi, I’m Ian and I do the writing and research a lot,
June is the big contributor when the going gets tough and
Sam is the nexus-breaker.
Meeting at such places as the car-park at Bunning’s Hardware does not make us very high-tech. However, you’d be surprised at the exchange at that particular spot.
We three critical contributors have all known each other since the late 70s or early 80s.
We are all Pension-age and older.
I, Ian, started out on this journey 20 years ago. June, my wife, has seen the magnitude of the burden and prays for me. Her input is seminal. She is the greatest. The original goal was to finally get Dr Herman L. Hoeh’s opus magnum to a better state than he left it in. In part this involved Roy Schulz’ work at Imperial Schools, Pasadena, California, USA. Dave Talbot’ ancient universe studies were also involved.
However, as in all things, nothing is that simple. Ancient History is fun if you are an admin-oriented, somewhat accounting type with a penchant for SQL and spreadsheets. It is not fun when Anno Mundi turns out to be -5589 (cf. Catholic 5,589B. C.). Geology doesn’t really say the kinds of things a private researcher might hope for vis-a-vis a Flood.
So the whole process of taking up Dr Hoeh’s mantle went a bit pear-shaped and Geology had to be dealt with in a realistic manner. These two disciplines are, like all the others that need to fit into place, by nature somewhat at odds. So Archaeology, Radiometric Measurement, Anthropology, PalaeoAnthropology, ArchaeoAstronomy and Satellite Astronomy all need a LOT of work. Young post-grads there’s plenty of real multi-disciplinary action ahead if this effort at Chronology of the Ancient World yields good fruit.
To the fore comes Electric Universe concepts, Electric Geology, Plasma Cosmology, high-level Petrology, NeoProterozoic Studies and Zero-Point Energy concepts. Halton Arp, Don Scott, Wal Thornhill, Christiaan Birkeland (deceased), Allan S. Collins, Serge Pisarevsky, Lorence G. Collins, Andrew D. Hall and Hannes Alfven – all the great men of today’s Science – are our overthrowers of Newtonian AstroPhysics.
Genesis Science Research led by Barry and Penny Setterfield introduced a further concept (vitally-important) of a non-Creationist Creation. This involves Biblical Patriarchs and thereby hangs a tale. Egyptology and Egyptian/Nubian Chronology are thereby implicated in the Sumerian side of Dr Hoeh’s work at a fundamental level. This introduces Manetho, the Classical Writers and much more.
Then of course comes Dinosaurs which could, in this scenario, still be alive today. Genetics as it has evolved in this last decade is now brought in question for raising a riot so-to-speak. We also have the stories of King Og of Bashan, The Iceman, Church Slavonic (Old Believers) and lots of other matters.
I could go on but you, dear Reader, are probably wondering whether this journey is going to be worth it, whether you will be edified. I can’t say ‘yes you will’ or ‘no you won’t’. It is all up to whether this work has been led and that – at least at a skeletal level – as my wife says “if it is correct then it will fit together”.
I might finish by saying that I am inflicting this website on the universe in general at the unwitting encouragement of Wallace Thornhill, an Astro-Physicist. So blame him.
Jim and Florence Bellamy for introducing me to Dr Herman L. Hoeh, sometime Dean of Faculty, Ambassador College, Pasadena, Tyler and Bricket Wood. I should rightly honour Mr Herbert W. Armstrong whose preaching led me to conversion and faith. Who said at times “I could be wrong – don’t believe me but believe what you see in your Bible”. The pace of biblical knowledge at a pure academic-level is breath-taking but for many the real work in Biblical Studies is done by A. E. Knoch, Charles van der Pool, and our own family study that has deleted (non-Jeffersonianly) the bits that don’t belong in Scripture and as the late, great friend of Ron Wyatt i. e.David Fasold used to say about correcting the mighty Strong’s Concordance – “its an awesome experience”. The work of Henk Jens in his Paper No. 37( I think) was the great break-through on separating the -2902/-2901 and -3327/-3326 contenders for a Flood date. Well-done Henk. Alan Dean has the last word as he introduced my to AC’s Theological Research III.
* Apologies to Sir Tony Robinson, Prof. Mick Aston, and the others.