A short treatise that speculates Enoch as protected from a plutonic eruption in the ‘translation’ of
Biblical reference. CUT chronology is used. NB: Barry Setterfield’s chronology, while based on
the similar mathematics, is parameterised differently and so is substantially at odds with CUT in
regard to Enoch.
It has been speculated by CUT in previous papers that Enoch was not translated out of fear of his
life’s blood about to be spilt by assassins but out of concern for his physical safety in the face of
magmatism and exhumation. However, the place from which he translated is not the subject of
prior CUT conjecture. The underlying connection between a Patriarch and a Meso-Proterozoic
context lies in the work of Barry Setterfield of Genesis Science Research (www.setterfield.org). We
find the specific mathematics in ‘Cosmology and the Zero Point Energy’ (CZPE) monograph. Eq.
14 in this treatise has been parameterised by CUT on the basis of a Chronology of ancient Egypt
(and Mesopotamia) (clearing-uptimes.blogspot.com, and many other sources). The Anno Mundi of
-5589 equivalent to 13.8 Ga is predicated on the fact that 13.8 Ga is a composite and not based on a
specific dating methodology which could be, reasonably (or unreasonably), challenged.
Fact Base:
By calculation we can produce a date on the Geological Time Scale (GSA by J. D. Walker, et al)
that corresponds to a date in Enoch’s life obtained from CUT’s chronology. To this end we must get
a picture of that Chronology;
Adam created
Expelled from Garden of Eden (physical aspect)
Birth of Seth
Birth of Enosh
(see CUT)
Birth of Kenan
(see Egypt in CUT)
Birth of Mahaleel
Birth of Jared
Birth of Enoch
Watcher’s warn world of a coming consequence
GCY 1000 = Enoch’s walk with God starts
Enoch translated after 300 years pleasing God
-3615/most likely -3614
Thus we have -3614 to be converted with CZPE Eq.14. This results in a converted number of
1,463,374,586 years ago which we shall approximate to 1.464 Ga. This is a conceptual leap – as the
reader will shortly discover.
If we want to get a feel for what an orbital year difference would make to the conversion process we
can consider the following: -3615 is equivalent to 1,465,711,244 years ago which we shall
approximate to 1.466 Ga.
We may derive a rough guide to the conversion function from the above – 1 year orbital =
2,336,658 radiometric years.
Following is an abstract from a paper obtained during an internet (DuckDuckGo) search using the
key words Meso-Proterozoic and 1.46 Ga, 19th November, 2017 afternoon..
AMATO, Jeffrey M.1, HEIZLER, Matthew T.2, BOULLION, Andre O.1, SANDERS, Amos
E.1, MCLEMORE, Virginia T.2, TORO, Jaime3, and ANDRONICOS, Christopher L. 4, (1)
Department of Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University, MSC 3AB, PO Box 30001,
Las Cruces, NM 88003, amato@nmsu.edu, (2) New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral
Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM
87801, (3) Geology and Geography, West Virginia University, 98 Beechurst Ave, 330 Brooks
Hall, Morgantown, WV 26506, (4) Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN 47907
Large granitic plutons in the Burro Mountains, SW New Mexico include leucogranite and
granodiorite. These intrusions are part of the vast ~1.4 Ga granite/rhyolite province. U-Pb
zircon dating of 5 samples of the leucogranite yielded ages from 1469 ± 12 to 1455 ± 11 Ma (2s
uncertainty). 3 samples of granodiorite range from 1470 ± 16 Ma to 1459 ± 14 Ma. All of the
ages are within error and have a weighted mean age of 1462 ± 3 Ma [see above for best- and
worst-case translation scenarios]. Granite intrudes granodiorite. Amphibolite from the country
rock has a protolith age of 1680 Ma and a similar sample has granite segregations dated at 1458
± 9 Ma. Quartzofeldspathic gneiss and gabbro both yield ~1630 Ma U-Pb zircon ages.
40Ar/39Ar dates from granite and amphibolite form two groups. The older group includes four
hornblende ages of 1477-1467 Ma and biotite and white mica ages from 1472-1459 Ma. These
are interpreted as cooling ages of the plutons and country rock soon after intrusion. The younger
group of ages has a mean of 1228 ± 3 Ma and is close in age to the adjacent Redrock granite
that intruded at 1225 Ma. Microprobe monazite U-Pb dates from metapelite country rock range
from 1500-1400 Ma with a peak at 1474 Ma. The dominant strong foliation in the country rock
is interpreted to have formed >1633 Ma based on static porphyroblast growth in the aureole of a
1633 Ma pluton and likely formed around 1650 Ma during the Mazatzal orogeny [-3692.540
orbital – some 78/79 years before Enoch’s CUT-dated translation] (Amato et al., 2008).
Quantitative P and T estimates from the metapelites, the first from southern NM, are 4.5 ± 1
kbar and 670 ± 50 °C, consistent with their mineralogy and textures. Decompression textures on
garnets indicate exhumation following peak conditions reached during plutonic heating at 1460
Ma [about one year orbital post the worst-case translation scenario (-3614)]. The 1460 Ma
plutons are not pervasively deformed but the granodiorite has strong augen gneissic foliations
and mylonitic fabrics, particularly near the contacts with the country rock. This fabric formed
prior to the Burro Mountain granite intrusion and thus is synmagmatic within geochronologic
uncertainty. We interpret the ~1.46 Ga plutonism, deformation with steep fabrics, exhumation,
and rapid cooling as having formed during gneiss dome development driven by mafic, mantle
derived magmatism within an extensional tectonic setting. This model explains many of the
features observed regionally for ~1.46 Ga magmatism, particularly where country rock
deformation has been reported.
Taking the general picture from the abstract by Amato, Jeffrey M. et al above we can see Enoch’s
translation can be pictured by a just-in-time (JIT) removal from NM as in 1462 Ma or 1465 Ma to
1459 Ma error bars cf. 1464 Ma for the most accurate orbital of -3979+65+300 = -3614 i. e. Enoch’s
CUT-version translation date. The lesser choice of 1466 Ma or -3915 is very much in line with a
JIT exit. By seven hundred thousand years or less than 3 orbital months. In other words Enoch
escapes a “ gneiss dome development by mafic, mantle derived magmatism within an extensional
tectonic setting.” on the numbers. It may have been days!! Another way of looking at the most
realistic orbital is – the 1462 Ma is compared to 1463 Ma or six months the other way. This is, of
course, cheating with the numbers but it is illustrative.
We may suppose that Enoch was located at the time of his translation in the area of THE BURRO
MOUNTAINS GNEISS DOME, SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO and was put down in the Siberia
analogue – in 1.46 Ga this was one of the few geologically quiet areas. Probably for other reasons
as well to do with Noah and the other Patriarchs and their location. There may of course be endless
other possibilities.